Okay, so I'm a bad mother and blog-keeper and its been way too long since I've updated. We just celebrated Brice's 20 month mark and Sloane's six month birthday. It is absolutely amazing how quickly they have both grown up. I'll admit that sometimes it makes me laugh and other times it makes me want to shed a tear. So let's get to the updates, yes?
We haven't had a doctor's appointment for Brice recently, but at his 18 month check up he topped the scales at 30lbs and 34.5 inches. Dr. Lialios predicted that Brice will be at least 6'2" by the time he's fully grown. Scary to think of him being such a big guy! Brice has already made the transformation from a baby into quite the little man. This summer our number one activity has been swimming. He absolutely loves the pool and can spend countless hours jumping in off the side, blowing bubbles and going up and down the steps. His love of the water also keeps us on our toes as he is completely fearless and hasn't yet realized that he has no idea how to swim. Needless to say, we have signed him up for swimming lessons starting in September and we hope that by the time we head down to Florida in November, he'll be doggy paddling along.
Brice is also finding his words, which is so much fun for me. We still enjoy reading our favorite books and now Brice reads along, pointing out the tree in "Runaway Bunny", the cheese in "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and the baby that looks like his sister in "Everywhere Babies." When I got home from work today, Brice ran up to me, wrapped his arms around my legs and said, "I gotcha!" We've also filled his vocabulary with some random words just to keep things lively... its amazing to hear him say octopus or "awwww man!"
Sloane is also growing like a weed. At her six month doctor's appointment she weighed in at 18lbs, 10oz and was almost 28 inches long putting her in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. She's sitting up on her own and rolling from back to front and front to back. She's also teething like none other. We're still awaiting the arrival of her first teeth and we've determined that its a race between the toppers and the bottomers.
We've had a great summer so far and selfishly, its been my favorite in three years since for once, I'm not pregnant. We've spent some time in New York City going to the Central Park Zoo and visiting friends and we've traveled down to Ocean City for some beach time while we visited the Ladd Family. Joel and I have managed to take in a few date nights too, hitting up the Arcade Fire concert at MSG and seeing the Green Day Broadway show. On one of our post-work walks this week, Joel and I determined that we don't have much to complain about. Sure, we're overworked and underslept but we have a wonderful, healthy family and so much life to live.
So, I promise I'll try to be better about updating with greater regularity. Stay tuned for some updated photos!