This is what going back to work after being out on maternity leave feels like.
So many people are asking the same questions: how Brice is (wonderful and so cute), how I am (trying hard to not cry at work because I miss my little guy), how much sleep I'm getting (still none), how is Joel (actually, nobody seems to care how my husband is doing, but I thought I'd just throw it in here to make him feel better).
Going back to work has been tough. It really feels like starting from scratch, in part because the economy has shifted so greatly since November and in part because I now juggle the responsibilities of motherhood in addition to my already hectic schedule. I told Eleana yesterday that I really need another set of hands (good for those moments when I'm trying to feed Brice and respond to an email simultaneously) and four more hours of daylight.
But honestly, I love it. For those mothers who read this that have also gone back to work or for those who will be rejoining the workforce soon, it really feels as if I am now a member of an elite club. NEW-MA as I call it. Newly Exhausted Working Mothers Anonymous. As a card carrying member of NEW-MA, I can tell you the following things:
1. With a little under eye serum, some great coverup and a venti latte, sleep is totally unnecessary.
2. Forgetting to eat a meal is a completely decent substitute for going to the gym.
3. It doesn't matter how many burp cloths you carry around, eventually every shirt you own will have a white spit up spot on the shoulder. Keep your hair long to cover it up.
4. It is perfectly acceptable to leave your child sitting in front of the television as long as he/she is watching something educational, like Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune (or Beverly Hills 90210... life lessons, people) while you return emails, phone calls, cook dinner, pee or in some cases, all four simultaneously.
5. There is nothing in life that makes the stresses of a long day of work go away faster than a drooly smooch from a baby. It is so worth it.
And now, for your photo of the week. Here is Brice (and mom) at 13 weeks:

Oh my goodness he has gotten so BIG!! what a handsome, handsome boy - his smile is delicious and looks just like Daddy :-)
I love the swimming pics and video.
Most of all, I have to say, is your writing is intoxicating - I want more!!! You are such a good writer and this stuff should be published!
Write a book for working mothers!
Miss you tons and kisses to you, JOel and baby Brice,
Heather & Alexander
I just randomly found your blog while googling hadababyitsaboy (remembered the commercial randomly while bored at work). Your blog is too funny! Thanks for sharing and I agree, as a mother, that missing lunch substitutes a visit to the gym. Thanks for a good laugh today.
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