Thursday, April 2, 2009

Four Month Checkup!

We had Brice's four month well baby check up with Dr. Lialios today.  Once again, Brice scored an A+ from the doc.  He now weights 17lbs, 14oz and is 26.25 inches long.  He's in over the 90th percentile for both height and weight!

Dr. Lialios said he sees some swelling in Brice's gums and based on the amount of drool that we left behind on the examining table, we both agreed that teeth are probably in our near future.

The doctor also gave us a plan for starting Brice on solid food in the coming weeks... we'll see how that goes.

Also, as I've mentioned to many of you, Brice has found his voice over the last couple of days.  He's constantly babbling to us!  Here's a little video of Brice and Joel's conversation from the other night.  Turn your volume up for maximum cuteness.

1 comment:

AJ said...

I miss you guys so much!! I cannot wait to see him again. So cute.