Since we have reached this milestone, I thought I'd take you on a walk down memory lane. Really, this is just an excuse for me to post some of the WORST photos from my pregnancy because for many of you who have just had kids or are in the land of the pregnant, any excuse to laugh is a good one. Kelly, these should make you feel about a MILLION times better.
Let's rewind back to April 1. Yes, April Fools Day. A great opportunity to thrust upon my husband the biggest life-changing news imaginable and let him decide whether or not I was playing a cruel joke. This was the day I found out I was pregnant and when he finally came home from work, I snapped this picture of my then pretty buff belly. Ah, if I only knew then what I know now...
Fast forward two short weeks. I'm about six weeks pregnant in this picture and for the next 13 weeks or so, this would be the most common position that Joel would find me in. He decided it would be funny to document this. He's pretty lucky I was sick... I would have kicked his butt otherwise.
At Heather and Chris' Lake George house, I decided it would be fun to don the most form fitting item of clothing possible. A wet suit. The water was about 60 degrees so it was an attempt to not shock the baby. I'm about 15 weeks here:
At Heather and Chris' Lake George house, I decided it would be fun to don the most form fitting item of clothing possible. A wet suit. The water was about 60 degrees so it was an attempt to not shock the baby. I'm about 15 weeks here:

At 20 weeks, I had finally stopped getting sick and was ready to venture back out into society. Joel was heading to a bachelor party in the city and I was going out to dinner with Thalia. Since Joel hadn't seen me out of PJs in three months, we thought it was a good time to capture a photo .

And finally, for your viewing pleasure, here is a photo of the tummy, taken just moments ago (please note, I haven't showered and am recovering from baby-sitting my niece/Lila's first sleepover). Word to the wise, kids, if you are thinking about getting a tattoo, consider the ramifications that severe stretching will have. Sixteen years ago, I would have never thought that my cute butterfly would so closely resemble a scary bat wing. Eeek.

So, 70 short days to go. I'll try to post weekly belly updates because at this point, I figure the growth will be at ludicrous speed. Enjoy and please send photos so I can post!