Monday, December 1, 2008

And the winner is...

C-section! Hooray!

Okay, so for those of you that know me well, I'm sure you can assume the sarcasm. I am neither excited nor calm regarding the idea of a c-section, but unless I go into labor today or tomorrow, its looking like the option of choice.

We went back to the doctor today for our 39 week ultrasound and checkup. The ultrasound confirmed that Baby Harvill is big. After taking measurements of his head, tummy, arm and leg, they determined he is measuring about 9lbs 8oz. We met with the doctor and talked over the pros and cons of inducing labor versus scheduling a c-section. Then, Joel and I did what we do best... we ate. We mulled it over while we had lunch at the diner and in the end, determined that a scheduled c-section was the best way to go.

I called the doctor to let them know our decision so we're all set for 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, December 4. I've been told no eating after midnight on Wednesday and to arrive at the hospital at 6:00 a.m. for prep. Basically, by 9 a.m., barring any emergencies, Baby Harvill should be here!

Now I have to figure out some way to pass the time between now and then... how many mani/pedis can I have?!?

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