Friday, June 6, 2008

It's about time to enter the blogosphere

So, with so many members of our family dispersed out across multiple states and countries, I thought that perhaps the best way to keep everyone apprised of what's going on at the Harvill homestead would be to start a blog. Yep, I said it. I'm blogging. Months ago, I would have bet someone beers if I correctly guessed the number of times the word "blog" was uttered in one of my meetings but oh no... stop that bandwagon... I'm getting on board.

I figure this is a great way for Joel and I to post some pictures of the new house, the puppies and even my ever-widening waistline too.

Quick update for this week:
The all-day sickness is beginning to subside. I haven't lost my dinner in over a week and I'm considering that a major success. We went to the doctor on Wednesday and were finally able to hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler (we'd only been able to hear it on the ultrasound). Our little rockstar's heart was thumping away at 150 beats per minute. Don't take any guesses on the sex based on the heartbeat though. It will continue to change week by week and also based on my level of activity.
We did schedule the big 20 week ultrasound for July 23 (Happy Birthday to me!) so now we just have to wait the 47 long days until then to figure out if Rockstar is rockin' boy parts or girl parts (but who's counting).
Our next doctor's appointment is July 3... just another routine check-up/blood letting. I swear, they take more blood when you get pregnant. I've become good friends with the woman at the diagnostic center and love the fact that she introduces herself as my vampire every time I show up.

George is on his way here for a good long weekend of installing new outlets... I mean, celebrating his birthday... yeah, that's it. We had a little mishap with the washing machine (read: Erica does not know what high efficiency means) but Joel managed to fix it and I guess I'm forced to start washing clothes again. Bummer. We've got a bunch of projects left to finish though and I promise I will post some pictures tonight. Oh, and our split box spring arrived yesterday. Yay for not having to roll out of bed onto the floor anymore!

Had the first run in with the police this week. Apparently their incessant chatter with our neighbor's dogs has someone in a tizzy and Animal Control made a little visit. We've got new bark collars that are being delivered however our neighbors tell us this is pretty common and despite my minor freak-out, we won't be arrested. Shamus did manage to sneak his way INTO our across-the-street neighbors' yard last night where we found him playing with their pup. They are at the groomer right now and I'm hoping they didn't give them the "Rhesus Monkey" cut again. They'll be too embarrassed to go for a walk later.

Not sure if they are going to air it again, but try to check out the pilot of Swingtown on CBS. It was on last night at 10pm and it instantly grabbed my attention. The show focuses on a family living in the Chicago suburbs in the summer of 1976. The father figure scores big in the stock market (I think) and they move to a new, ritzy neighborhood. The once white bread/apple pie family is now enjoying their new social status with their swinger neighbors. Not sure how they are going to make this interesting all season, but watching the insinuated sex scenes was a plus.

For music, my new favorites include Modest Mouse (touring this summer with REM). If you are downloading on iTunes, start with Missed the Boat and Float On. Also, the new Robert Plant/Allison Krauss CD "Rising Sand." If you only listen to one track, check out Please Read the Letter. Finally, my one guilty pleasure is Katy Perry's song "I Kissed a Girl." It rocks.


AJ said...

Loves it! I haven't updated my blog in ages. Maybe you've inspired me...LOL

Miss you both!

Ally said...

Great blog! You're the first blogger I know!!! xo

Unknown said...

I'm not even on myspace yet. go figure. Glad to hear the dog episode is better, you sounded stressed out yesterday. congrats on the house - i'm in aspestos lockdown right now - no water or electricity for the next week. sleeping at 7pm and smelling. love it.

Heather said...

Hey! This is so cool! Although I have to say being so computer illierate I have never blogged or done myspace or the other one that you said is like ATARI - by the way loved ATARI! So I just wrote a long note and am not sure it posted...I don't think it did b'c I had not logged in b'c I did not yet have an account. Now I do and I hope this posts.
Ok so LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pics of your house. It is amazing and beautiful. You and Joel impress me so much with your handiness. I can not wait to see it! Glad to hear the morning/afternoon/night sickness is subsiding. I will continue praying to the female gods to stop that for you. I can not wait to see the pics of your belly :-) I voted that I think you are having a little rockette - like a Blondie or Joan Jett! Can't wait to know :-)
We've been busy with our little man - he is so funny these days laughing and talking up a storm. I can't wait for you guys to see him soon. He has a bit of a cold and cough now so that has been unpleasant for him but he's handled it well.
Ok, that's all for now - blogging off.
Love, HAE