Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Is it a Barbie Doll or a Hockey Stick?"

That was the question posed by Joel's boss yesterday. Well folks, we've got a hockey stick! A Bruce Springstein! Yes, there are boy parts in my belly. Joel and I are totally overjoyed.

The ultrasound yesterday started with thirty minutes of measurements. I felt like I was back in biology class. The ultrasound tech showed part by part and named off what we were looking at. Tibia. Humorous (insert joke here). Heart. Kidneys. Both hemispheres of the brain. Finally she turned to Joel and asked if he's like to call his dad. We called George and put him on speakerphone. My parents huddled closer to the screen. The tech turned to us, pointed to the screen a proclaimed, "It's a boy!" We all cheered as if the Red Sox won the World Series. Joel and I high-fived. Most importantly, our son is healthy. 13 oz worth of baby boy who apparently enjoys resting his sweet little head right on my bladder.

I'm currently sitting in Social Media Immersion training, so I feel okay to update this blog now. I'll scan the ultrasound photos when I get back up to my desk and add them to the blog later. All I have to say is, it feels so much more real now. I went to bed last night feeling content. Like a mom.

Suddenly I get the feeling that the next four months will fly by so quickly...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stop making me cry!