Thursday, November 6, 2008

What the heck is a crenshaw mellon? says that at 36 weeks, the baby weighs about 6lbs and is about 18.5 inches long, about the size of a crenshaw melon. I have no idea what a crenshaw melon looks or tastes like (although all of a sudden I'm craving a melon martini) but I can tell you that I feel like I am carrying around a pot-belly pig instead. I feel HUGE. My stomach feels like its the size of an acorn so I'm perpetually either hungry or stuffed. I now pee in excess of 30 times a day (including 5 times during the night). Joel and I are separated in bed by a stack of pillows for me to lean on, even though I somehow manage to wake up every morning flat on my back with Lucy at my feet and Shamus around my head and all four of us are snoring. I wear Joel's pants around the house when I get home because they are the only pants that fit comfortably. I am a picture of beauty and glamour. For all of my girlfriends who said I'd be rocking my tight black pants until my 9th month of pregnancy, I'm sorry to disappoint. I do, however, still shave my legs EVERY DAY. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

We have a doctor's appointment on Monday with our final ultrasound and I'm both excited and nervous. We haven't had an ultrasound in about 4 months , so I'm curious to see how the little guy has changed and grown since then. Heather says that I'll be shocked because the entire baby no longer can be seen on one screen. I'm nervous because I perpetually worry that something is wrong. What if he has an extra nose growing out of the top of his head? What if he's too big or too small? At our upcoming appointment, the doctor will also perform a Strep test. Apparently many women are carriers of the Strep virus and if the test comes back positive, they will administer antibiotics while I am in early labor to lower the chances of my passing this virus along to Baby Harvill. Amazing what technology/medicine can do these days. So, hopefully by Monday we'll have a feel for how big this kid is. I'm sure that they will tell me that the baby is riding high and tight, because he certainly hasn't dropped yet. I've already come to the conclusion that Baby Harvill will most likely come late, because that's just the way this pregnancy is.

I will post some updated photos of the nursery and my belly on Monday (the lovely IT people at Mastercharge have taken away our access to all photo websites) so that you can see all of the progress that we made. The baby's room looks great and I hope he enjoys it as much as I've come to.

Have a great weekend!

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